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来源:中华传奇 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-10-02 11:51
摘要:Nature Adventure In addition to the hands-on experience of the Bayu culture, the French Chinese Youth Group also went to Black Valley, Wansheng, Fairy Mountain, Wulong, Qianjiang District, Pengshui Co

Nature Adventure

In addition to the hands-on experience of the Bayu culture, the French Chinese Youth Group also went to Black Valley, Wansheng, Fairy Mountain, Wulong, Qianjiang District, Pengshui County and Youyang County to get in touch with the wild nature.

In the Black Valley, they came to the Stone Forest and visited fossils of paleontology, the scenic spots such as Qiantalin, Luhua Lake, Water Stone Forest, Wanmabenteng, One-Line Sky to get the basics of the formation process of karst landforms and explore the evolutionary process over millions of years, a tour to learn the magical karst geology and unique national culture.

In Fairy Mountain, the Youth League started the tour of “ Real-life Experience of the ‘Transformers' in Wulong”. Following the film scenes taken from “Transformers” , they were to enjoy the magnificent view of the Three Natural Bridges, and they also paid visits to filming locations of “Curse of the Golden Flower” in an aim to review the classics and understand the film and television culture. “Wulong Impression”, the live performance, has been imbued with the natural beauty of the natural heritage and the unique local customs of Chongqing.

The spokesperson in charge of the event said that most Chinese-French teenagers who live in families with oriental culture are exposed to the Western world. Through this cultural exchange tour, they can not only understand China's long history and splendid culture, and the ever-changing development will enhance their national identity and cultural self-confidence as descendants of the Yellow Emperor. “I believe that after they return to France, they will certainly spread what they have seen and heard in China, and spread the Chinese culture they have learned to their friends around them, and become a little messenger of Sino-French cultural exchanges.”

“寻根中华·对话世界—重庆首届中法青少年国际文化交流之旅”在渝举办。 摄影/贺煜读诗词、画国画、打太极拳,体验底蕴深厚的中国传统文化;游万盛黑山谷、武隆仙女山,感受大自然的鬼斧神工……7月7日至30日,42名法国华裔青少年来到重庆,与富含中国特色的文化元素和自然景观亲密接触,进行了为期近一个月的“寻根中华·对话世界—重庆首届中法青少年国际文化交流之旅”。该活动是泓艺九洲国际文化艺术中心去年通过“中国印象·秀美重庆”系列文化“走出去”交流活动后,旨在让外界认识重庆的延续。由重庆市少年宫联合重庆泓艺九洲国际文化艺术中心共同举办。Reading Chinese poetry, drawing Chinese painting, and playing Tai Chi-those are the methods to gain an insight into the profound Chinese traditional culture;While a tour in Black Mountain Valley, Wansheng and Fairy Mountain, Wulong, has brought the French visitors close to feel the magic of nature...From July 7th to 30th, 42 French Chinese youths came to Chongqing to have close touch with cultural elements and natural landscapes with Chinese characteristics. They conducted a monthlong“Root-seeking Journey in China·A Dialogue with the Bigger World - the First Chinese-French youth Chongqing International Cultural Exchange Tour.”Co-sponsored by Chongqing Children's Palace and Chongqing Hongyi Jiuzhou International Culture and Art Center, the event was a continuation of how Chongqing shapes its global image following the series of “going-global” cultural exchange activities featuring “China Impressions and Beautiful Chongqing” last year.活动期间,法国华裔青少年团成员参加了“博雅少年养成记 中华传统文化体验”“喀斯特奇幻旅程”“梦幻武隆 重温经典《变形金刚》”“行千里 致广大 魅力之都行”等4场主题活动,进行了一场精彩的文化寻根、自然探险之旅,深度领略了重庆瑰丽壮阔的风景、精彩绝伦的非遗文化、豪迈热情的巴渝风情和抗争不屈的城市精神。文化寻根之旅7月8日至16日,法国华裔青少年团首站来到璧山中小学综合实践营地。学国学、国画、剪纸、太极拳……孩子们积极参与其中,对中国传统文化表现出了浓厚的兴趣。重大国学校友会副会长程学升从发端、发展,深入浅出地为孩子们讲解国学;璧山来凤中学的颜西川老师教孩子们画国画。老师告诉他们,国画讲究神韵第一,意境美和想象力才是国画的精髓所在。在实践营地,来自时尚之都巴黎的法国华裔青少年集思广益,自主设计了此次主题活动的营服。还进行了户外拓展训练,通过分队竞赛以及队员间的团结协作,增进彼此的了解。在渝期间,青少年团还参加了“行千里 致广大 魅力之都行”活动。他们先后前往重庆人民大礼堂、重庆中国三峡博物馆、解放碑、朝天门、中欧班列(重庆)起点、两江新区寸滩港、四川美术学院、泓艺九洲艺术展馆等地,多形式、多角度地认识重庆、体验重庆。During the event, the French Chinese Youth Group participated in 4 activities featuring “A Training Ground for Learned Youths; An Insight into Chinese Traditional Culture”, “Exploring the Karst Terrain”, “A Real-life Experience of the ‘Transformers' in Wulong”, “Chongqing: Journey to New Accomplishments”. The activity sponsor launched a wonderful cultural root-seeking and natural adventure tour, allowing students to to deeply experience Chongqing's magnificent scenery and wonderful intangible cultural heritage, heroic and passionate Chongqing style and unyielding city spirit.“Root-seeking” JourneyFrom July 8th to 16th, the first Chinese French Youth League team came to the comprehensive practice camp of Bishan Primary and Secondary School, studying Chinese studies, Chinese painting, paper-cutting, Tai Chi, etc.. The children are actively engaged in it and showed great interest in Chinese traditional Xuesheng, vice president of the Alumni Association of Chongqing University, clarified the origin and evolution of Chinese studies in a simple manner; Yan Xichuan, a teacher at Lushan Laifeng Middle School, taught children to draw Chinese paintings. The teacher told them, “Chinese painting values the verve, and the artistic conception and imagination is the essence of Chinese painting.”In the practice camp, French-Chinese teenagers from the fashion capital of Paris brainstormed and independently designed the camp uniforms for the event. Outdoor development training was also carried out to enhance mutual understanding and collaboration through team competition and teamwork among team members.学习国画。学习太极拳。During their stay in Chongqing, the Youth League also pitched in the activity featuring “Chongqing: Journey to New Accomplishments”. They visited a series of cultural spots like Chongqing People's Auditorium, the Three Gorges Museum, Jiefangbei, Chaotianmen, the starting point of the China-Europe International Railway, the Cuntan Port of the Liangjiang New District, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, the Hongyi Jiuzhou Art Exhibition Hall, understanding Chongqing in many forms and from different perspectives.“中法少年 绘·话巴渝”,共绘巴渝风光长卷。 摄影/贺煜漫步磁器口、民国街,感受巴渝老街印象;在渣滓洞、白公馆、红岩魂广场献花,体验红岩文化;参观中西合璧建筑法国水师兵营旧址,找寻共同记忆;参观重庆人民大礼堂、重庆中国三峡博物馆,乘坐轨道交通二号线李子坝穿楼,感受现代都市脉动;在中欧班列(重庆)起点、两江新区寸滩港展望未来。法国华裔青少年团还参观了四川美术学院、西永保税区泓艺九洲艺术展馆,与艺术对话。在长嘉汇弹子石老街观重庆两江交汇夜景……来自巴黎的华裔少年戴文慧和妹妹戴丽雅第一次来到重庆,就被重庆的山水、文化深深吸引,她说:“重庆之旅是一次难忘的旅程,我们去了很多美丽的地方,重庆的山水是巴黎所没有的。朝天门的夜景很漂亮,让我想起了巴黎的塞纳河,但是塞纳河的夜景没有这么美!”戴文慧表示,她曾多次来到中国,此前,去过北京、西安、海南等多个城市,但重庆给了她新的惊喜!同样来自巴黎的李雪琪则表示,重庆最吸引她的是美食。她说重庆的火锅、酸辣粉很出名,此次来重庆特地品尝了很多美食。自然探险之旅除了零距离体验巴渝文化,法国华裔青少年团还分别来到万盛黑山谷、武隆仙女山,以及黔江、彭水、酉阳等区县各地,与大自然亲密接触。在黑山谷,他们来到龙鳞石海观察古生物化石,游览千塔林、芦花湖、水上石林、万马奔腾、地缝一线天等景点,了解喀斯特地貌的形成过程,探索亿万年的生物进化历程,全方位感受神奇的喀斯特地貌和独特的民族文化。They wandered at the Ciqikou and the Minguo Street to experience the vibe of the old Chongqing ancient streets; paid tribute to the martyrs in the Zhazidong, Baigongguan, and Hongyanhun Square; visited the old site of the French Navy Brigade which blends both the Chinese and Western architecture style to find the shared memory of China and France about Chongqing. They went to Chongqing People's Auditorium, the Three Gorges Museum, the rail transit line No. 2 Liziba located on the sixth to eighth floor of a residential building, which help visitors to feel the vitality of the modern city; at the starting point(Chongqing) of the China-Europe Railway Express and the Cuntan Port of Liangjiang New District, students look forward to the future with great expectations. In dialogue with the art, the French Chinese Youth Group visited the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, the Xiyong Free Trade Zone, and Hongyi Jiuzhou Art Exhibition Hall. In the Changjiahui, the Danzishi old street, they took great admiration in seeing the night view of the convergence of two French-Chinese teenager Dai Wenhui and her sister Dai Liya came to Chongqing for the first time. They were deeply attracted by the landscape and culture of Chongqing. She said: “The trip to Chongqing is an unforgettable journey. We have been to many beautiful places which could find no equals in Paris. The night view of Chaotianmen is very beautiful, reminding me of the Seine in Paris, but the night view of the Seine is no match!” Dai Wenhui said that she has come to China many times before to visit places like Beijing, Xi'an, Hainan, to cite but a few, but Chongqing has given her a new surprise!来自巴黎的华裔青少年戴文慧和妹妹戴丽雅分享重庆之旅。 摄影/贺煜Li Xueqi, also from Paris, said that the most attracted part to her is Chongqing food. She said that Chongqing's hot pot and “Hot and Sour Noodles” are very famous. This time, she came to Chongqing on a special purpose to taste local delicious food.法国华裔青少年团来到万盛黑山谷与大自然亲密接触。在武隆仙女山高山草场尽情玩耍。在仙女山,青少年团开启了“梦幻武隆 重温经典《变形金刚》”之旅。跟随电影《变形金刚》赏天生三桥,打卡《满城尽带黄金甲》唯一的外景拍摄地点,重温经典,了解影视文化。赏析“印象武隆”实景演出,体验自然遗产地壮美的自然景观和巴蜀大地独特的风土人情。活动主办方相关负责人表示,大部分的华裔青少年虽生活在东方文化的家庭,但接触的多是西方世界,通过此次文化交流之旅,不仅能使他们了解中国的悠久历史、灿烂文化,及日新月异的发展,更会增强他们身为炎黄子孙的民族认同感和文化自信。“相信他们回到法国后,也一定会将在中国的所见所闻,将学到的中华文化向身边的朋友传扬开去,成为中法文化交流的小小使者。”Nature AdventureIn addition to the hands-on experience of the Bayu culture, the French Chinese Youth Group also went to Black Valley, Wansheng, Fairy Mountain, Wulong, Qianjiang District, Pengshui County and Youyang County to get in touch with the wild the Black Valley, they came to the Stone Forest and visited fossils of paleontology, the scenic spots such as Qiantalin, Luhua Lake, Water Stone Forest, Wanmabenteng, One-Line Sky to get the basics of the formation process of karst landforms and explore the evolutionary process over millions of years, a tour to learn the magical karst geology and unique national Fairy Mountain, the Youth League started the tour of “ Real-life Experience of the ‘Transformers' in Wulong”. Following the film scenes taken from “Transformers” , they were to enjoy the magnificent view of the Three Natural Bridges, and they also paid visits to filming locations of “Curse of the Golden Flower” in an aim to review the classics and understand the film and television culture. “Wulong Impression”, the live performance, has been imbued with the natural beauty of the natural heritage and the unique local customs of spokesperson in charge of the event said that most Chinese-French teenagers who live in families with oriental culture are exposed to the Western world. Through this cultural exchange tour, they can not only understand China's long history and splendid culture, and the ever-changing development will enhance their national identity and cultural self-confidence as descendants of the Yellow Emperor. “I believe that after they return to France, they will certainly spread what they have seen and heard in China, and spread the Chinese culture they have learned to their friends around them, and become a little messenger of Sino-French cultural exchanges.”

文章来源:《中华传奇》 网址: http://www.zhcqzz.cn/qikandaodu/2020/1002/646.html

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