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来源:中华传奇 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-10-02 11:51
摘要:学习国画。 学习太极拳。 During their stay in Chongqing, the Youth League also pitched in the activity featuring “Chongqing: Journey to New Accomplishments”. They visited a series of cul



During their stay in Chongqing, the Youth League also pitched in the activity featuring “Chongqing: Journey to New Accomplishments”. They visited a series of cultural spots like Chongqing People's Auditorium, the Three Gorges Museum, Jiefangbei, Chaotianmen, the starting point of the China-Europe International Railway, the Cuntan Port of the Liangjiang New District, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, the Hongyi Jiuzhou Art Exhibition Hall, understanding Chongqing in many forms and from different perspectives.

“中法少年 绘·话巴渝”,共绘巴渝风光长卷。 摄影/贺煜







They wandered at the Ciqikou and the Minguo Street to experience the vibe of the old Chongqing ancient streets; paid tribute to the martyrs in the Zhazidong, Baigongguan, and Hongyanhun Square; visited the old site of the French Navy Brigade which blends both the Chinese and Western architecture style to find the shared memory of China and France about Chongqing. They went to Chongqing People's Auditorium, the Three Gorges Museum, the rail transit line No. 2 Liziba located on the sixth to eighth floor of a residential building, which help visitors to feel the vitality of the modern city; at the starting point(Chongqing) of the China-Europe Railway Express and the Cuntan Port of Liangjiang New District, students look forward to the future with great expectations. In dialogue with the art, the French Chinese Youth Group visited the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, the Xiyong Free Trade Zone, and Hongyi Jiuzhou Art Exhibition Hall. In the Changjiahui, the Danzishi old street, they took great admiration in seeing the night view of the convergence of two rivers.

The French-Chinese teenager Dai Wenhui and her sister Dai Liya came to Chongqing for the first time. They were deeply attracted by the landscape and culture of Chongqing. She said: “The trip to Chongqing is an unforgettable journey. We have been to many beautiful places which could find no equals in Paris. The night view of Chaotianmen is very beautiful, reminding me of the Seine in Paris, but the night view of the Seine is no match!” Dai Wenhui said that she has come to China many times before to visit places like Beijing, Xi'an, Hainan, to cite but a few, but Chongqing has given her a new surprise!

来自巴黎的华裔青少年戴文慧和妹妹戴丽雅分享重庆之旅。 摄影/贺煜

Li Xueqi, also from Paris, said that the most attracted part to her is Chongqing food. She said that Chongqing's hot pot and “Hot and Sour Noodles” are very famous. This time, she came to Chongqing on a special purpose to taste local delicious food.



在仙女山,青少年团开启了“梦幻武隆 重温经典《变形金刚》”之旅。跟随电影《变形金刚》赏天生三桥,打卡《满城尽带黄金甲》唯一的外景拍摄地点,重温经典,了解影视文化。赏析“印象武隆”实景演出,体验自然遗产地壮美的自然景观和巴蜀大地独特的风土人情。


文章来源:《中华传奇》 网址: http://www.zhcqzz.cn/qikandaodu/2020/1002/646.html

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